Is this even cider anymore? We are not sure. That is why we named this cuvee Maybe, as we believe it challenges the boundaries between cider and wine. Maybe is a sparkling fruit wine (Fruit Pét-Nat) made with 65% pears (Concorde, Conference, Esperense and Herre), 25% apples (Aroma) and 10% solaris grape skins. All fruits were co-fermented for around 1 month. The result is a creamy, easy drinkable sparkling fruit wine, where the co-fermented fruits bring out the best in each other. The grape skins add structure and body, and the apples and pears adds fruitiness, giving the wine heavy tropical yellow fruit notes, such as melon, mango and papaya.
The main part of the fruit is grown and harvested in Axelstorp - a traditional orchard in northwestern Skåne. Planted in the 1940s and today managed without pesticides or herbicides by Magnus Nilsson. The grapeskins come from Hällåkra, Klagshamn and Flyinge, all local grape farmers with a natural growing approach.